
Pulp is the pioneer of recycling. The recycling of paper and cardboard is of the greatest economic and ecological importance - because the more paper is recycled, the less newly cut wood is needed for paper production.

This make a great contribution to the economical shredding of paper and corrugated cardboard. Strong, robust drives and rotors specially designed for shredding paper or cardboard also make it possible to process material that is difficult to shred.

Our machines can handle all throughput requirements for post-consumer applications such as waste paper, cartons, files and documents, shipping packaging, and industrial production waste. This includes cardboard tubes, paper webs, paper rolls, edge trims, printing waste or paper bales


Baling is a process that compresses material into a block (bale) which is secured by plastic or wire strapping. The process reduces the volume of the material which:

  • Reduces loose waste on site
  • Reduces transportation/waste disposal costs
  • Turns waste into a revenue generating product